Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Sign petition for Brett Hartmann

Brett Hartmann has an execution date of April 7th, 2009.
He has strong claims of innocence that the appeal courts have refused to look at.

Please help by signing and re-circulating the following online petition link asking the Governor of Ohio to commute the Death Sentence of Brett Hartmann.


We respectfully ask that action be taken before April 1, 2009 so that we may send the hard copies to Governor Strickland.

If you would prefer to print out petition forms and gather signatures, that option can be found on his web site on the "What You Can Do Page" which can be found here;

http://www.enddeathpenaltyforbretthartmann. com/what_. html

In addition to petitions, there are other actions that can be taken on behalf of Brett also listed on that page.

Thank you on behalf of the Hartmann family,

Diane Morretti

http://www.enddeathpenaltyforbretthartmann. com/index. html